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FAR Nonprofit Member Breakfast: Preparing for a Virtual Audit

  • 08 Dec 2020
  • 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Virtual Meeting
  • 0


Registration is closed

Preparing for a Virtual Audit

Come join the virtual conversation!

Date:  Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Time: 8:30 am - 9:30 am

Moderator: Susan Medick, Chief Financial Officer, American Association of Clinical Chemistry & Maritel Dasco, Controller, American Association of Clinical Chemistry

Host/Location: Zoom 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 994 3543 3334
Passcode: 635005
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Meeting ID: 994 3543 3334
Passcode: 635005
Find your local number: https://aacc-org.zoom.us/u/aA7bzqBPQ

*Please note:  Attendee contact information will be distributed after the meeting. If you have any objections to sharing your information with the other breakfast attendees, please note it in your registration or notify Angelica Sullivan at hq@far-roundtable.org.

**This event is for nonprofit members only. Contact Angelica Sullivan at hq@far-roundtable.org if:
- Y
ou are a nonprofit member and have staff you want to join
- Y
ou work for a nonprofit, but are not a FAR nonprofit member and would like to attend this event

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