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FAR January Luncheon
Shira Harrington

"Making it Stick:  Engaging Your Multigenerational Workforce"

You were excited about your new, young hire.  She was bright, energetic, well-educated and eager.  You'd hoped that in a few years she would be able to take on a strong leadership role.  But that doesn't happen because she doesn't stay long enough.  Not only have you lost her capacity to perform, but your balance sheet reminds you of the high cost of turnover - up to 3x her salary to replace her.

Shira Harrington, Principal and Founder of Purposeful Hire, let FAR members into the world of the Millenials - those born after 1980 that make up 35% of the workforce now and will likely comprise 75% of the workforce by 2025.  As a group they bring experiences and expectations that differ significantly from those of the baby boomers and the Gen X'ers.  

Millenials have less interest and capacity for working without the "big picture." They want to know what's going on in the office, even in the executive suite; they want to know that their work matters and expect to be held accountable; they crave attention- the kind of positive reinforcement and encouragement they'd received from parents, soccer coaches and teachers; they show far more loyalty to their friends and co-workers than they do to your organization.  

Harrington presented many examples and suggestions for increasing their engagement and invited the audience to share some of their own.  Several of these include:  creating a committee on "millenials," offering frequent review and changes of job titles; stretching their opportunities for leadership development and training management in coaching techniques.  For many more suggestions see Shira's slides, available by clicking here.

You can start now by taking a look at your organization chart.  You're ready to meet the millenials when your "assistant" titles are replaced by "Early career professional."

FAR members have fun during a group discussion exercise at the luncheon presentation.
FAR February Luncheon

"Employment Issues Facing FAR Members"

Moderator:  Art Herold, FAR Member and partner Webster, Chamberlain and Bean

Panelists: Hugh Webster, Julie Boynton, James Wilson

We hope you'll join us here on Thursday, February 18, for a panel discussion on "Employment Issues Facing FAR Members." Art Herold, FAR Board Member and Partner at Webster, Chamberlain and Bean will moderate the panel that includes Hugh Webster and James Wilson from Webster, Chamberlain and Bean and Julie Boynton, a Senior Human Resources Consultant. Think now about the key questions you would like to have answered. You'll be invited to submit these when you register or ask them from the floor.

Date and Time:
Thursday, February 18, 2016 | 11:15 am - 1:30 pm

FHI 360 | 1825 Connecticut Ave., NW, 8th Fl | Washington, DC 20009

Please click below for more information on the luncheon and to register.
FAR Nonprofit Member Breakfasts

Topic: Storytelling, Marketing
Host: CliftonLarsonAllen
Date: February 4, 2016
Location: 4250 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 1020, Arlington, VA 22203
Time: 8:30 - 9:30 am
Light breakfast refreshments will be served.

Internal Controls, Accounting Processes & Procedures
Host: Savills Studley
Date: February 25, 2016
1201 F Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036
Time: 8:30 - 9:30 am
Light breakfast refreshments will be served.

  Finance & Administration Roundtable | hq@far-roundtable.org
703.971.1116 |http://far-roundtable.org/
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FAR Headquarters

11709 Bowman Green Drive

Reston, VA  20190




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FAR Committees


Wild Apricot development by Webbright